
Our Services
SP&D offers both planning and environmental services as detailed below.
Emergency Management
SP&D specializes in the development of comprehensive emergency management plans and related disaster, homeland security, and business continuity planning, training, and exercise services.
Our emergency management expertise include:
Capabilities Assessment
Citizen Preparedness Campaigns
Continuity of Operations Planning
Cultural & Historic Resources Hazard Mitigation
Debris Management Planning
Emergency Operations Planning
Hazard Mitigation Planning
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
HSEEP-Certified Training and Exercise Services
Incident Action Plans and Special Events
Outreach Initiatives
Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning
Public Health and Medical Preparedness
Resilience Strategy
Threat, Hazard Identification, and Risk Assessment (THIRA)
Vulnerability Assessment

Environmental Services
In the United States, an environmental site assessment is a report prepared for a real estate holding that identifies potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities. The analysis, often called an ESA, typically addresses both the underlying land as well as physical improvements to the property.

Permitting Services
Additional services provided by SP&D include environmental permitting, communication tower permitting, and wetland and forest stand delineation.

Land Use Planning
In addition to emergency management planning, SP&D staff assist local communities in the preparation of comprehensive, municipal, and strategic plans.
Comprehensive/Master Plans
Municipal Growth Plans
Land Use Surveys
Strategic Plans
Green Infrastructure Planning

GIS Mapping Services
SP&D provides GIS mapping products for all planning documents and provides support for flood risk products.
Mapping services include:
Hazus Analysis
Green Infrastructure Center Modeling
Hazard Risk & Vulnerability Analysis
ArcGIS Survey123

Public Outreach
SP&D offers public outreach services to fit your project's unique goals and timeframe. Outreach services we provide include:
Virtual or In-person
Small Group Meetings
Large Group Meetings
Topical/Targeted Group Meetings
Planning Charrette
Social Media Outreach
Physical Outreach (e.g., letters, postcards, flyers)
Surveys (via SurveyMonkey or Survey 123)
Project Website Development and Maintenance
Meeting Materials and Refreshments as needed.